Introduction » Chapter 3: How to Use Essential Oils » Ch3Pg2: Topical Use

Using Essential Oils Topically

use essential oils topically

Why topically: One drop of essential oil applied topically can service every cell of your body. When applied to the bottom of the feet, that drop of essential oil nourishes your blood stream within 30 seconds. 

Where to apply: Essential oils can be applied topically to the feet, externally to the ears, chest, back of neck, head, and any other troubled areas on your body. Note: never put essential oils directly in your eyes, or ears. 

applying essential oils topically to the feet

How to apply: we recommend using a carrier oil, such as fractionated coconut oil, or unscented lotion. Many essential oils are safe to be applied 'neat' (without using a carrier oil), however, to decrease the likelihood of a skin reaction, it never hurts to dilute.

In fact, according to doTERRA's science blog, "The best way to get a localized, longer-lasting effect from applying essential oils topically is to dilute."

For more information on the science behind the dilution of essential oils when using topically, check out this article: (opens in a new window).

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